Our School
Two Programs.......One Community
Our School is home to two distinct school programs that place a high value on space-based and place-based learning. Our Davis Bay Environmental/Naturalists (DEN) classes (K-7) are housed in the main building, and the Nature Education for Sustainable Todays and Tomorrows (NEST) can be found in the outside portables and annex. Together these programs/classes enjoy and access the learning environment that is the Davis Bay Elementary School campus, a campus that includes a 1500 square Greenhouse for our students to access, learn and grow in!
Our Community
At Davis Bay, we value the participation of parents and community partners as part of our learning community inside and outside the classroom – we recognize that it ‘takes a village’ to educate and support students, whether on field trips, as part of the Community Reader Program as well as on/in our Growing Green and Greenhouse Committee, sports teams, and all things experiential and learning – parents and community members are valued and welcomed!
Davis Bay has an active and vibrant Parent Advisory Council and a number of community programs that supports our school through fundraising for Breakfast for Kids, our sports teams, and amazing all school field trips and endeavors. We encourage active community involvement with our parents and neighbours many of whom are part of our Growing Green and Greenhouse committee – we value parent, student and community input – we are a happening place!