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Davis Bay Growing A Family

Davis Bay


Davis Bay Elementary enrolls approximately 205 students and is nestled above and between the beautiful natural surroundings of Mission Point and Chapman Creek.


Due to our rich natural surroundings, Davis Bay Elementary has environmental education, place-based learning, and related literature, numeracy and science learning opportunities at the centre of our programming and learning.

Davis Bay is green and growing – literally! We are fortunate enough to have a 1500 square foot greenhouse on site for both students and community members.

It took us over 3 years to establish this space but during this time we have cultivated a community of care and kindness, built an incredible greenhouse and are now sowing the seeds for more amazing things to come: green minds, happy, healthy and nourished bodies and practices and skills that not only support our school and community but also our planet.

We are proud of this collective effort and we are excited to share the bounty of both the learning and the produce with students and the greater community.

Nature Education for Sustainable Todays and Tomorrows is a Davis Bay Elementary program conceived to offer students a Nature and place-based learning opportunity at the elementary grade levels. NEST is rooted in a philosophy and pedagogy supported by research that underscores its emotional, social and academic merits.

Program Foundations:

– Inquiry, Play & Project Based Learning
– Place-Based, Nature as Co-teacher
– Growing Green Hearts and Green Minds
– Experiential and Emergent Learning
– Circles of Care: Self/Others/Natural World
– Multi-age Learning & Teacher Collaboration
– Community Building & Connections

Click here for more information and to submit an expression of interest in the program! 


Davis Bay Environmental Naturalists classes – is housed in the main building of Davis Bay Elementary.

All of our classes are encouraged to go out of doors for their learning and view experiential learning as both important and necessary. However, our DEN classes which range from Kindergarten to Grade 7, take a more traditional approach to learning the curriculum in terms of pedagogy.

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